19th Panzer Division: Veteran Grenadiers Squad (Bolt Action) (Warlord Games)


Hello friends!

I took the last job of painting the Germans for Bolt Action and I must admit to you, my dears, that the last, WWII entry is from... 2016!

So many years!
Unfortunately, it can be seen on the models whose photos I present today. Good photos were not produced in 2016, and as part of my chronicler's endeavors, I am doing it today.
Honestly - I would repaint them (leaving only the bases, but I don't have time and heart anymore!)

Metal models come from Warlord Games and unfortunately, they can also be used for zombie games!
Some of the soldiers' heads are real monsters!

I invite you and I promise that the now painted winter German soldiers will look better ;-)

Historically, it will be 19th Panzer Division.
Formed an order dated November 1, 1940, after reforming 19th Infantry Division. Initially stationed in Germany, going into the 11 Army.
       In June 1941, in preparation for the attack on the USSR incorporated into the 3 Group Panzer Army Group "Center". He takes part in the fighting on the eastern front middle section of the December 1942.

       In January 1943 he moved to the southern sector of the Eastern Front, initially part of the Army Group "Don" and later the Army Group "South". In July 1943, consisting of 4 Panzer Army takes part in the Battle of Kursk fighting in the Belgorod region, where bear heavy losses.
Then the fighting in the Ukraine near Kiev, Zhitomir, Kamieniec Podolski. In July 1944, withdrawn from the front line and addressed to the Netherlands, but already in 1944 re-directed to the eastern front.
In August 1944, part of the 9th Army and take part in the fighting in the Warsaw area.
They takes part in the fighting for a foothold Warka-Magnuszew and in the Battle of Studzianki, some of its troops took part in the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising.
For outstanding situated in the fight against the Polish insurgents divisional commander Hans Källner receives Oak Leaves with Swords to the Iron Cross.

       In November 1944, back to odwodu OKH in Reg. Piast - Klwaty, bugle, Janiszów, berth headquarters in Radomu, where he was to begin January offensive in 1945.In February 1945,  addressed to Silesia, where takes part in the fighting in the composition of the 17 Army, in the area of ​​Nysa and Otmuchów.
Then withdraws to Moravia, where he surrendered in May 1945.

Quoting or copying the following text and photos remember the author


  1. Haha, what a change of subject! Well, some of the guys don't look like handsome movie stars, right, but those are quite nice minis and your paintjob made them stand out. Looking forward to your new paintjobs!

    1. Glad to hear that :-))
      Thanks a lot :-)
      Painting now some winter Germans :-)

  2. I think you are being overly critical on yourself here Michal - apart from the somewhat dodgy facial sculpting (which is common in a lot of Warlord metal figures in my opinion), which you are not responsible for, the paint job on these is way above what 90% of gamers could achieve! Its certainly better than anything I could do!

    1. Thank you sir! Yes, painted now some winter metal Warlord soldiers and the same head problem inside..

  3. Interesting historical background and splendid figures...Next time 2025?😊

    1. Hahaha! Thank you so much :-)
      Oh, no, in this year! :-)

  4. Nicely done Michal and zombies can be fun too 👍

  5. Nie ma co narzekać, dobra robota. No i widać progres. :)

    1. Najgorzej że mam jeszcze kilka takich metalowych boxow Warlord Games i cala masa takich fuckupów ze słabym odlaniem modeli, tragicznymi głowami. Jak jakieś modele z przed 20-25 lat ( choć I wtedy chyba GW lepsze robiło)

  6. Great looking figures Michal!

  7. Warlord often have exaggerated expressions to my mind, lovely painting non the less and these have come up really well!
    Best Iain

    1. Glad you like it sir!
      Thank you very much for a comment.

  8. You've seen plenty Warlord metal sculpts painted up on my blog and I have to admit, I REALLY like the exaggerated faces! :) They always seem to be sculpted in great detail and makes for easier opporunities to be able to pick out details with a brush!

    Love your squad though my friend! Smashing paint jobs, and that basing is wow!

    Looking forward to seeing those Winter Germans! (You know I like some Winter WW2 minis!)

    1. Thank you! I have already three winter Grenadiers and painting more :-) SS Squad waiting also :-)

  9. Rzeźba twarzy faktycznie średnia, ale z tego co widziałem i inni hobbyści mówili, metalowe modele Warlorda i bardzo średnie. Pozostawiają dużo do życzenia.

    1. Tak, metale Warlord Games z którymi miałem do czynienia są wręcz słabe. Dużo krzywych rzeźb, grubych, zalanych detali.

  10. Fabulous looking Panzer Grenadiers, Michal! Camo and basing superb as always.

  11. Incredible camo details on the uniforms!

  12. I would like to paint faces like you do, zombies or not! And also great work on the cammo!


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