Crusaders: The Knight of Ibelin (Medbury miniatures)



Another knight of Ibelin today.
And for a few (over a dozen?) weeks I will leave the Middle Ages painting - entries from feudal/Edo Japan, Arabs, WWII Germans and many other fantasy things are waiting in the queue..

In the near future I will show you my Crusaders warband for the skirmish game Outremer: Faith and Blood!

Ibelin was a crusader castle in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem at the town of Ibelin, later known as Yibna, and today southeast of the modern Israeli city of Yavne. Very little remains of the castle, but its ruins have been located in the center of Yibna, today known as "Tel Yavne".

       It was the fief of the noble house of Ibelin, which later achieved great prominence in the kingdom. Ibelin was built in 1141 by King Fulk of Jerusalem to guard the kingdom's southern border, though its importance declined as the border moved south.
It remained the centre of the Lordship of Ibelin, until the collapse of the Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1187.
The castle was captured by Saladin in 1187 after the crusader defeat at Hattin, and was destroyed.

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  1. Wow. Piękny model Michał. Cudnie zrobiłeś szatę i zbroję.

  2. Świetny, zarówno tunika jak i tarcza!

  3. It's the little details that make the miniature. And in that regard, you are a master Michal :)

  4. What a fantastic looking figure Michal - outstanding work, as always!

  5. Great looking Crusaders, Michal! Love the cross work.

  6. Completely outstanding!!! :)

  7. Astonishingly lovely work, Michal. I adore the way you paint your knights - just stunningly well done.

  8. Te Twoje freehandy, to już mnie zaczynają wkurzać. Tak nie wolno! Człowiek bazgrze sobie figurki i jest dumny z tego, a Ty tu nagle wyskakujesz z czymś takim! Dawaj wincej Panie! Aż mi się chce ten film obejrzeć...

    1. Film jaki jest to wiadomo. Choć niedawno dłuższą wersję oglądałem i chyba lepiej się ogląda :)))


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