303 Squadron drawings

Prace popełnione przeze mnie w bliższej oraz dalszej przeszłości.
Są to szkicowe repliki oryginalnych fotografii najlepszego dywizjonu walczącego podczas Bitwy o Anglię, a także późniejsze działania bojowe polskich pilotów.
The work committed by me in the near and more distant past.
These are sketchy replicas of the original photograph of the best fighter squadron during the Battle of Britain, and the subsequent combat operations Polish pilots.

"Dwizjon 303"// "303 Squadron"

Polski dowódca dywizjonu Witold Urbanowicz. W tle Hawker Hurricane MkI. //
Polish squadron leader, Witold Urbanowicz. In the background Hawker Hurricane MkI.

Jan "Długi Joe" Daszewski

Jan"Donald" Zumbach

 Józef Stasiak


  1. Szkice pierwsza klasa. Bardzo realistycznie wyglądają :)

  2. Des heros qui ont tout sacrifié pour la liberté ! Bravo Michal pour ce très bel hommage...

  3. Great Looking Drawings!

    We should never forget what all those guys did in those dark days of that war.Make no mistake about it,it was a war fought to free others and hopefully survive it. Winning it meant others had the right to exist among the Nations.
    They were all heroes and at a time when the world needed them.
    A Call to Arms meant they came to the UK to fight to free their country.A real shame they lost it after that war was over. The Powers that Were back in the day, gave it away to Joseph Stalin.A Betrayal of the Polish People and Nation.
    Now i see in the UK,horrid attacks on Polish people,and they have every right to be here and to stay in the UK. BB

    1. Thanks BB for this entry.
      Actually it sad that some people harbor such ill animosities.
      Even worse, that during World War II, one of the nation could "sell" another in the name of peace with the Soviets.
      But during the Battle of Britain, yet this has not happened and we all fought with the Germans and the Poles also for freedom ...


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