20mm Russian Empire Commanders (GreenMiniatures Word War One)



A long, long time ago I painted such a Russian command from the Great War period in 20mm scale.
I decided to tweak them a bit and take better photos.
Effects below :)

After the assassination of the Austrian heir to the throne of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, on 28 July, Russia ordered a general mobilization. In response, the Germans declared war with Russia on August 1, 1914. The local Austro-Hungarian conflict with Serbia changed into the First World War, which would lead to the collapse of tsarist Russia.
It's in a telegram short.

       Ten years before the beginning of the Great War, from the big countries taking part in the war, only Russia had the experience of conducting warfare, gained during the war with Japan. It had an impact on the development, training and preparation of the army for the future war.

       The Russian army was characterized by a slow pace of mobilization, and especially of strategic focus (planned strategic focus without two Siberian corps was 45 days, and with them 90 days). This was due to the mobilization of the troops and the lack of human skeletons (ovules) in spare units. The mobilization of the army in August and September amounted to 5,338 thousand. soldiers, by the end of October 5 971 thousand soldiers.

       During the war, a total of about 12 million were mobilized. soldiers (at the end of the war, the Russian army numbered about 7 million soldiers).
       Losses of the Russian army: approx. 1.7 million killed and deceased, 4.95 million wounded, 2.5 million prisoners and missing persons, which constituted approx. 76.3% of the mobilized state.

Quoting or copying the following text and photos remember the author



  1. Great Russian commanders Michal!

    1. Thank you so much for a kind words sir!
      Warm regards

  2. Czyli to znane 1:72?
    Jak takie małe to jeszcze lepiej to wygląda Michał. Doskonała dbałość o detale.

  3. Nicely done Michal and in a smaller scale too 👍

  4. These are very nice smaller figures...great work as usual, Michal

  5. 20mm WW1? Those are the first in that scale that I've seen. Very nicely done though mate.

  6. These are 20mm!!?? I had to look at them twice, at first I though they were 28mm! Wow, what a work you have done!

  7. LOvely sculpts for such diminuitive figures and all painted with your usual aplomb.

  8. Nicely painted Michal ... love how you even manage to paint the soldier's medals :)

  9. Tremendous work and more knowing the scale used. If you hadn't said anything, I would have thought it was 28mm. So even more deserving.

    1. Thank you for a kind words!
      Glad you like it.
      Best regards

  10. Very nicely done Michal, great paint work...and Happy New Year!


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