FIGHTING FANTASY: 'Bestia Chaosu' (FoxGames) / FIGHTING FANTASY: 'Creature of Havoc' (Scholastic Ltd)
Dziś słów kilka na temat otrzymanej od FoxGames gry paragrafowej 'BESTIA CHAOSU' ( wydanej z latach 80 tych przez Steva Jacksona).
Do rozpoczęcia przygody przydadzą nam się kości K6, którymi ustalimy podstawowe wartości naszego bohatera.
Na końcu książki znajduje się Karta Przygody na której możemy zapisać nasze wyniki oraz dołączyć posiadany ekwipunek.
W trakcie naszych wędrówek będziemy spotykać i walczyć z przeciwnikami różnej maści, unikać ( lub wręcz przeciwnie pułapek!) co wpłynie na wartości naszych umiejętności.
Jak to w grach paragrafowych to MY decydujemy o losach i poczynaniach naszego bohatera wybierając interesujący nas paragraf lub rzucając kośćmi.
Taka jednoosobowa gra RPG połączona z książką.
'BESTIA CHAOSU' to czwarta gra paragrafowa po:
wydanej pod szyldem FIGHTING FANTASY przez FoxGames
Gra ma w sobie dużo oldschoolowego klimatu fantasy ( nic dziwnego, skoro zagraniczne wersje przygód publikowane są od lat 80tych zeszłego wieku).
Co prawda moje zainteresowanie RPGami i gramy paragrafowymi (Wehikuły Czasu!) datuje na dekadę później, co nie przeszkadza mi mieć, te same co przeszło 25 lat temu, wypieki na twarzy i gęsią skórkę...
A few words about the 'Creature of Havoc' received from Scholastic Ltd. today (PL by (released in the 1980s by Steve Jackson).
The plot of this part of the 'FIGHTING FANTASY' series takes place in the region of Allansia, at the junction of the Wind Plains and the Troll Tooth Pass. The main antagonist who will thwart our plans is the necromancer Zharradan Marr, a mean and cunning guy who wants to rule the entire land..
To start the adventure, we will need D6 dice, with which we will determine the basic values of our hero.
At the end of the book there is an Adventure Card on which we can save our results and attach our equipment.
During our wanderings, we will meet and fight with various types of opponents, avoid (or quite the opposite) traps, which will affect the value of our skills.
As in Solo Game Book, WE decide about the fate and actions of our hero by choosing the paragraph we are interested in or by throwing dice.
Such a single-player RPG combined with a book.
'Creature of Havoc' is the fourth paragraph game published in Poland.
The game has a lot of old-school fantasy atmosphere (no wonder, since foreign versions of adventures have been published since the 80s of the last century).
It is true that my interest in RPGs and paragraph games dates back to a decade later, which does not prevent me from having the same flushes on my face and goose bumps as over 25 years ago...
Quoting or copying the following text and photos remember the author
Fighting Fantasy books were how I found "Fantasy", back when I was around 7 or 8 in the 80's. (Along with He-man and Dungeons and Dragons cartoons) I collected dozens of them before I found actual Dungeons and Dragons and "graduated" to actual fantasy gaming.
ReplyDeleteThose F&F books were a delight to read - "Forest of Doom" and "Caverns of the Snow Witch" being my favourites to date.
I hope this book offers fun inspiration to your hobby mate!
Oh, fantastic story!
DeleteHave to try other ones.
And that old covers! Lovely!
I used to love Steve Jackson's FF books. I don't remember this one though. Great to see you find inspiration in these books :)