[EN/PL] Messe Noire: Rotten Cultists #2 / Messe noire: Zgnili Kultyści #2 (Rotten Factory / Rotten Circus) on October 27, 2018 Carnival of Chaos fantasy Mordheim Rotten Circus Rotten Factory storytelling Unboxing & Painting Warhammer +
[EN/PL] About how the Hobbits celebrate. Part II / O tym jak Hobbici świętują. Część II (Grabblecast Dog and Kennel) on October 20, 2018 28mm Dragon Rampant fantasy Grabblecast Halflings Hobbit LOTR Mordheim storytelling The guardians of the Moor Unboxing & Painting Warhammer +
[EN/PL] The Green, the Bad, and the Ugly / Zielony, Zły i Brzydki (Warmonger Miniatures Orc #1) on October 11, 2018 28mm fantasy Greenskin Night Goblins Orcs Orktober storytelling Unboxing & Painting Warmonger Miniatures +
[EN/PL] The thing about Kobolds / Rzecz o Koboldach (Northumbrian Tin Soldier The Beardfolk #1) on October 06, 2018 28mm Dragon Rampant fantasy Kobolds Northumbrian Tin Soldier Pumpkintober! Unboxing & Painting +