Podsumowanie grudnia i najlepsze noworoczne życzenia! // December's summary and the best New Year wishes! on December 31, 2015 Podsumowania / Summary +
Muskets and Tomahawks: Irokezi / Iroquois #1 on December 30, 2015 28mm French and Indian War Historian Indians Muskets and Tomahawks +
Wars of the Roses // Wojna Dwóch Róż: Burgundy Light Cavalry / Burgundzka lekka jazda on December 26, 2015 28mm Burgundy Historian Medieval Wars of the Roses +
Muskets and Tomahawks: Irokezi / Iroquois (In Box) on December 24, 2015 28mm British French and Indian War Historian in box Indians Muskets and Tomahawks +